16 September 2009

Wow, when my previous exchange students told me I would be tired they weren't kidding!! I'm exhausted allll the time but I'm having a blast! I've been meeting so many new people at school it's hard to remember everyone's name. At school it's difficult because the kids all talk fast and the teachers use big words that I don't understand. Everyone at my school is so nice though and they help me understand everything.

I've been trying all sorts of new food and I like most of it. My favorite french food is still Crepes though! My host mom made me my first crepes in france and they were delicious.

The very next day I went to my friends birthday party and guess what we had!! CREPES!! It was a dream come true :D I've also made my host mom an "American meal". It was nice to have food from home even though I enjoy her cooking.

I attended my first Rotary Inbound Orientation this past weekend. There are 10 inbound students in my district. 6 of us are Americans.... ALL girls! There is also one boy and one girl from Japan and a boy from Mexico. We all get along really well and had a great day. We went on a boat tour of the Calanques and they are just beautiful! Unfortunately I brought my camera but forgot my memory card so I'll have to get pictures from the other inbounds.
On tuesday I attended my first host rotary club meeting. Suprisingly it was very similar to the meetings in the United States and I was very comfortable with everyone. I really enjoyed the meeting even though I didn't understand everything!

01 September 2009


Well I survived my first week and my first day of school! It was a busy week and yes, I am STILL tired! But I've heard that's normal for the first month or two even. I am having a wonderful experience here. Sometimes it is difficult to understand people, especially teenagers because they talk fast and they don't always speak clearly, but people are very helpful when I don't understand. In my family it is tradition to take a first day of school picture, so I continued that tradition in France despite the minor accident I had the morning of my first day. Let's just say I'm probably one of the very few people who could accidentally cut themselves with a hairdryer!! Hahaha.

Sometimes I find myself wondering how does he make that noise with his mouth?? It's so hard for me to say cold=froid because I say it like froua or fwah. It's funny because people have told me that when I speak French I have a Russian or German accent!

Last night I had my Welcome party with a few of my new friends, my Rotary contact, a couple Rotaract members, and some of Catherine's friends as well. It was a lot of fun and all the food was French so I got to try a lot of new things.
Today I went hiking with my Rotary contact, Jean-Claude, and his nephew and his nephew's girlfriend. We hiked to Les Calanques which are so beautiful but very difficult to get to. I definitely got a good workout!