As you can see, I'm having a great time here in France. During the week I'm pretty busy with school, homework, and after school activities. We've been practicing yoga and going swimming at the pool or the beach at least once a week. So far I have been to the beaches of La Ciotat, Cassis, and Marseilles. I've also started taking hip hop and even though the teacher doesn't speak any English I can still understand and follow along. I'm really enjoying it because it's quite different than in the USA. There instructor doesn't just teach you how to dance so you look "sexy", he teaches us all kinds of hip hop, including break dancing!

On the weekends I've been traveling all over the region. We often visit Marseilles, a big city near Aubagne. I've been shopping there twice so far. Although I love the French fashion and would like to buy everything, I'm trying to not go TOO crazy.... You're welcome mom and dad!!!

Two weekends ago Patrick (Alyssa's father), Florance (Patrick's girlfriend), and I visited Grasse, a beautiful town about two hours from Aubagne. Grasse is the worlds capitol for perfume and trust me, it smelled amazing.

It was a very relaxing weekend spent in the "Little Red House." It was
definitely not little.

It was built in the 17th Century and the roof is shaped like the silhouette of the mountain behind it (I hope you can see this in the picture).

I'm so glad that Patrick and Florance protected me from the giant spiders, I couldn't get anywhere near them. This one was about 4 inches!

On the way home we made a quick stop in Cannes where I've been told all the rich people live. We did a little shopping ;)

Last weekend we visited the Notre Dame de la Guarde, which is a beautiful cathedral that sits on a small mountain and overlooks all of Marseille.

They recently finished renovating the mosaic and it was so beautiful.

Check out the view from the cathedral!

I've been making a bunch of new friends, some from my lycée (school) and some who have already passed the bac and are attending a university. My school break starts at the end of October and on the weekend of November 6th the other exchange student and I will be going to PARIS!!!!!!! You have no idea how excited I am :D I'll keep you all updated. Also, if you want to write me an email, I would love to hear from everyone. My email is aerger5190@yahoo.com and even better, you can ask for my address and write me a letter because I love getting letters, it makes me feel so special!